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Thursday, 6 February 2020

Japan Traveler 101

What to bring? What should be prepared?

I have to be grateful because in my experiences exploring Japan, I somehow have everything I need. So, I want to share this 101 tips for you who maybe in the future have the opportunity to go abroad, especially to Japan.

Image result for luggage organizer
  1. Prepare two luggages for your clothesI know it sounds not that important, but sometime, for some reason, your luggage isn't arrive at the same time with you in the airport. Sometime error happens in the baggage management and your luggage go to the other airport instead, lol. So just in case, I suggest you to prepare two luggages for clothes. Just remember that every airline provides different size of baggage capacity. You can use smaller luggage to put it on the airplane cabin.
  2. Use luggage organizer
    I have to admit that luggage organizer really helps me to manage my belongings. But the reason why I suggest you this because just in case there is random checking at the airport and the officer ask you to open your luggage, you can easily shows and manages it back.
  3. Bring enough instant/semi-instant food from your country
    Especially for the moeslem, I think this one should be your first concern. It's very difficult to find halal food in other country. Beside that, for some people, it's very hard to adapt and very eat-picker. I brought abon, Indomie(s), popmie(s), instant soup, fried rice seasoning, etc.
  4. Documents
    This part is also important. Passport, visa, program itinerary, LoA, flight ticket, ID, etc. Don't forget to always bring yout passport and visa everywhere too. And just in case, please make an online copy for each document.

  5. Make your to-bring-list
    So YES, I made my to-bring-list and I put the link of my to-bring-list below for your refference! Cheers!

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